
quarta-feira, agosto 18, 2010

Getting ready to meet me. hehe

ooooooooooooooooi gente!
recebi um e-mail da minha host mom hooje, own. qe liinda *__* tão carinhosa ela.
o e-mail é este:

Hi Rafa,
We are getting ready for you to arrive!
I'm glad you were able to do some traveling to see your family before you come to stay with us. I hope you have enough information about us to share with your family. I hope they are are ok with sharing you with us for the year.
The temperatures this summer have been wonderful, staying in the 80's F. (26.6C)Today was much cooler only 76F (24.4C). It does't sound like a lot, but it felt like a different season. I also caught a cold this weekend and bummed. I don't like getting sick. The good news is, I will be feeling a lot better when you get here!
Our winters get a little cold, last year it wasn't too bad and we didn't get too much snow. But Marina was able to get out and shovel a couple of times for us. It doesn't sound very fun, but it also can come with making a snowman or snow dog and maybe a snow ball fight!
We also have a lot of Dutch people in this area of the US. So many that they named a town Holland and they have a Tulip Festival in the spring.
Sammy is done with her traveling for the summer. She is now spending her time babysitting and spending time with friends. She babysits for two girls, 8 and 6. They are a handful, but she is learning how to keep them busy all day. She also has them cleaning the house before their mom comes home!
My work is keeping me busy and I will be doing some traveling in September. But before I go, and before school starts we are going to a camp for the weekend. We are really excited to take you there, it is one of the camps that Sam goes to every summer.
Sammy says "Oi" and she is really excited for you to arrive. She is ready to have some fun with you! We'll save some sunshine and warm temperatures for you!
Could you email me some of your favorite pictures? Do you like to fly?


Eles mandaram algumas fotos junto com o e-mail, mas n vou postar aqui pqe talvez eles achem ruim eu divulgar assim né .. Eles nem tem facebook, deve ser pqe n gostam de se expor.
Bom, se eu gosto de voar? é lógico, nunca voei num avião daqeles qe eles têm .. tipo um teco-teco, mas eu vou adorar! hehe.

Faltam 13 diias hoje! Cara, tá mto peeeeerto! A ficha tá começando a cair. Semana que vem começo a arrumar as malas e com as compras dos presentes.

Meu american dream is getting closer.

that's it for now.

xoxo :*

ps.: amigos, quando visitarem meu blog deixem um comentário, hehe, pqe parece que eu to escrevendo pras paredes ! ;P

5 comentários:

Unknown disse...

curta sua travel! (:

Unknown disse...

querida...tdo mundo tá ocupado....só vc de férias e eu aqui te corujando até sua viagem....pior q qdo marca uma data chega né...

MacBout disse...

Ooi, eu sou da comunidade do intercâmbio. Muito fofa sua host mom! haha. Pra onde você vai? Boa sorte com tudo aí =)) Beeijo.

Unknown disse...

Rafa, lembra de mim? andei mexendo no seu facebook e vi seu blog... que legal vc ta indo fazer intercambio! pra onde vc vai? um beiijo :*
e tudo de bom!

Rafaela R. Brands disse...

oooi tátila! claro qe lembro de você hehe
vou pros eua! Grand Rapids- MI ! bjkks

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